A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

The full game is available! Check it out here!

MxM only.

Strange creatures have infested the islands on this planet. Round 'em up by seducing them with other creatures, and rid the world of this outbreak!

A turn-based RPG focusing on sleuthing. You have to figure out what your opponent is into by studying how much your sexual prowess is affecting them. Make 'em cum!

This game is very early in development; you will run into a bug or two. Please report it, and SAVE OFTEN!!!
Please report bugs here or on FA. If you have an issue that other people do, they can see the solution instead of asking another question.
This game was exported on a Linux machine. The Windows build has been buggier than the Linux build. If you're having issues, install Linux ;)
(The Windows build will eventually be as stable as the Linux build. I don't have a Windows machine and the VM wasn't cooperating!)


Linux x64 (gzip) 89 MB
Windows x64 90 MB

Development log


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(1 edit) (-1)

Did the OpenGL3 command line option work? Otherwise you’re out of luck, the game is built with Vulkan for performance.